Occupational Health Awareness week. Meet Mary Rafferty – Director of Clinic Services at Kays Medical

This week is Occupational Health Awareness week! At Kays Medical we provide a wide range of Occupational Health services to all types of organisations and workplaces. From SMEs to large single sites our Occupational Health Services work to improve your team’s health and wellbeing.

Here we speak to our Director of Clinical Services – Mary Rafferty, talking about her role with Kays Medical and the importance of Occupational Health. 

Can you tell us about your job role?

I am the Director of Clinical Services for Kays Medical this involves looking after the Occupational Health delivery teams and management of clinical service levels.

It is my job to deliver an excellent level of service from both a clinical and customer service perspective. I also work to ensure the services Kays Provide are clinically robust and sound, and in compliance with the GMC and NMC.

What do you enjoy about your role?

There are two sides to my role that I enjoy! I enjoy working with clients to help solve any problems or challenges they face, provide an excellent service and build a positive client relationships! The other side is managing and growing my team. I like to support staff progression and work to assist with their career aspirations by helping them develop within their job role.

Why is Occupational Health important?

By getting to see people in their own working environment, we can get an insight into their lives and how different things may affect their health and well-being! There has been a lot of research surrounding how being at work and feeling like you are valued is good for you.

It is also important as we can see whether work is making a person ill. For example, if a person is asthmatic and is being exposed to chemicals, we can check to ensure those chemicals aren’t worsening their asthma and they are protected.

It is also fulfilling to provide full support to individuals who are returning to work after a leave of absence. We can work alongside them and management, to ensure they can successfully reintegrate into the workplace and be fulfilled with their job role and lifestyle.

What are the benefits of Occupational Health?

Providing Occupational Health Services for staff can bring significant benefits to all organisations, regardless of size.

Occupational health contributes to the effective management of the health of employees at work. It supports employees having a healthy place to work, effective OH programmes can deliver significant savings to an organisation by preventing illness and promoting employees’ health and performance.

If you are interested in finding out more about our OH services, we would be happy to offer you afree occupational needs assessment for your business. Get in touch with our friendly team on 0151 482 2850 or email oh@kaysmedical.com